Friday, May 24, 2013

The Mind That Likes To Know

It is impossible to know anything. Try telling that to the mind that likes to know.

Teachers are reluctant to let this cat out of the immediate bag, since to do so would leave them without students, and therefore without that final role as teacher.

The mind cannot stand the idea of not being able to know something. That doesn't change the fact that existence is a mystery. Not a single thing can be known.

Yet religions have tried to know for a long time. So they created differing stories to explain away the unknowns, and leave the story listeners to feel as though they now know. But we've now replaced the religious stories with scientific answers, as though giving each of the four elements of the DNA code names like "DNA" and "ACTG" and saying that there are "four" of them, will actually be like KNOWING this portion of reality. I'm afraid just because we can observe things and report them with language doesn't mean we KNOW them at all. In fact, to insist that things ARE the way we report them is just plain lying.

To KNOW something, we'd have to step outside of the cosmos, look back at the cosmos, point at it, and say, "There it is, I know it, and now there is the known and I am the knower." Impossible.

Words are not the thing. Scientists cling to their linguistic interpretations of observations the way Bible-belters cling to their certainty that killing Muslims is to their fictitious God's liking.

The question for all of us is: What are we clinging to and insisting is reality? Because reality certainly is NOT whatever it is we are thinking, saying, or believing it is. If you think you KNOW reality, welcome to the new knowledge that you are living in the same illusion as anyone who has a belief.

Truth is, happening is happening, and there's nothing anyone can say about it. It isn't good or bad or whatever dualistic ideas we make up to describe things and events. It's just happening happening, and nothing more.

Try telling that to the mind that likes to know.

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