Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Deny Everything and see what is left, by Gilbert Shultz

You can deny everything except the fact that you exist.
All the rest is concepts.
It is so simple and so obvious everyone ‘appears’ to miss it.
Just be conscious of this consciousness.
Nothing else is required.
Being conscious is not an effort being made by someone.
Being conscious has no past or future and no story of me.
Even the present is only a concept appearing.
Randall Friend adds: ……”And everything else that appears to exist has some basis – it is a pattern OF something that exists. The wave is a pattern of ocean – the ring is a pattern of gold. The essence is all that matters. The pattern IS the essence. Even if you identify with the pattern you must then also admit to being the essence. And the essence of all is Life itself”.

by gilbert on May 26th, 2013 in Uncategorized

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