Friday, June 21, 2013

It's Okay to Abandon Everything

You're never stuck.

See, stuck is a state of mind only. So is attachment. In fact, they are both the same thing.

We fear leaving our job, because we fear losing our house or our wives and husbands or our status or our career.

Yet we always have the choice to simplify our lives. We can begin to shed more and more of the outside needs and wants, and get down to the absolute essentials.

I know a young man who left behind his frozen and stuck lifestyle and gave away all of his things. He kept only what fits in a backpack, a small backpack.

His items included only 2 changes of clothes, thin and easy to roll-up and pack. He walks the Earth at this very moment, and has done so for years, living as a nomad, doing minor computer work as he roams about the planet.

He's happy. He could have remained in one place, and he'd still be happy, so long as he kept only what fits into a backpack.

None of us are stuck. But people who imagine that they are stuck sometimes end up taking their own lives, because they believe what they imagine and see no way out of it.

If you think you are stuck, let go of whatever it is that you think makes you stuck. Let go of the thought, first. Let go of the need to fit in. Let go of the society. Let go of the rules. Let go of approval from your parents. Let go of having to please others and lovers and friends. Let go of the fear of being free like a dignified animal of nature.

And just go. Go in, and move outward. Be with yourself. If you are afraid to be alone, then go off on your own into the forest for a month or two alone. If you are afraid of death, then do as Ramana Maharshi, and lay still on the ground, and think about death for the whole day. Feel your body dying. Face the psychological fears surrounding the avoidance of squarely facing your own inevitable demise.

It's too short, this life. Might as well enjoy it. Oddly enough, this is the greatest gift you can give to the world. Equally odd is the fact that only those who have simplified and released their attachments can see that this is so.

Attachments are blinders. Release them and see. Life is an adventure, and like it or not, you are an adventurer.

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