Saturday, September 28, 2013

Nobody Knows Anything

Ladies and gentlemen: Nobody knows sh%t. That's right, folks. Anyone who has ever said they know something is full of it.

You cannot know anything at all. The idea of knowing something is a linguistic illusion. It requires two things: a knower and the known.

The only true knowledge is that of simply being. What is, simply is.

There is nothing else you can say about it. You can try. But it doesn't make what is anymore than what it already is.

When people talk to me about karma, I say to them, "Well, I suppose you think the millions of people slaughtered by the Nazis had it coming then."

Karma is the way people explain away the terrifying reality of all things being a mystery.

And so is religious mythology, for that matter.

Beyond all of this is the fact that the body is going to die. Get with that truth. Stay with it. Put mind on it. Dwell there and watch what magically happens: you become nicer.

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