Sunday, December 29, 2013

Moksha, by Aldous Huxley

Everyone Is Going Conscious

"It is without any question the most extraor- 
dinary and significant experience available 
to human beings this side of the Beatific 
Vision."— Aldous Huxley 

The publication of MOKSHA pre- 
sents for the first time an authorita- 
tive collection of the prophetic and 
visionary papers of Aldous Huxley— 
his writings on mind-altering drugs, 
psychology, education, politics, the 
collective imconscious and the future 
of humankind. 

In May 1953 Aldous Huxley, while 
in the company of his wife and a 
physician-friend, was administered 
four-tenths of a gram of mescalin. 
The mystical and transcendent ex- 
perience which followed became the 
basis for one of his most fascinating 
and controversial books. The Doors 
of Perception, and set him off on an 
exploratory course which was to 
produce a profound and revolution- 
ary body of work. 

MOKSHA is an engrossing narrative 
of Huxley's preoccupation with the 
mysterious inner reaches of the 
human mind, the "visionary expe- 
rience and its relation to art and the 
traditional conceptions of the other 
world." Taking its name from an 
ancient Sanskrit text, moksha spans 

In a Barbie World

  Kate McKinnon presents the symbols of the polar choice Barbie faces Barbie turns the plight of women in a patriarchal world into the univ...